Transport has always been a big feature of the fruit growing industry. From the sack over the shoulder to the horse and cart, primitive trucks and the huge spotless B Doubles of today, transporting fruit to stores or rail or direct to market has always involved many colourful characters.
Orange and District Historical Society's next orchard history meeting, to take place on Tuesday July 28 will explore the many facets of fruit transport.
Guest speaker will be George White, who began trucking in the 1940s, when there were many horses and carts involved in short haul transport from orchards to town for rail or cool stores delivery.
The trucks George and contemporaries used were either army surplus or, if they were lucky, post-war release vehicles which were small, slow, uncomfortable and thirsty.
Nonetheless they persisted and took large loads regularly to Sydney, putting up with bad roads, resistance from the rail unions, unbelievable paperwork and regulations, and laborious manhandling of millions of cases of fruit.
Over the years bulk handling came in, roads and trucks improved vastly and many of the pioneers developed their own substantial companies devoted to long-haul fruit transport.
With a vivid memory and some classic photographs, George will give the audience the benefit of his experience with transport in the fruit industry and the people involved in it. Several of his contemporaries will be in the audience to keep him honest and contribute to the discussion.
The meeting will take place at the Gladstone Hotel Function Room at 7 for 7.30pm on Tuesday 28th July. There is a small charge of $3 for ODHS members and $5 for non members. Light refreshments will be served.
If you have any enquiries or would like to attend the meeting please RSVP to Phil Stevenson on 63623257, 0402412188 or email