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Orange & District Historical Society

Dalton’s/Western Stores/Myer – passing of an era

By November 10, 2016No Comments
Western Stores Orange

Western Stores Orange

The Orange & District Historical Society’s next History Alive meeting has been postponed from Wednesday 9th to Wednesday 23 November. This is so that one of the key speakers can attend. The Society extends their apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

The meeting will focus on the long history of Dalton’s Stores, Western Stores and Myer in Orange and throughout western NSW.

Guest speakers will be member Euan Greer, who will speak about Dalton Brothers’ Store, Merv Wilkie, who worked at Western Stores from the 1940s, former Myer manager Gary Cant, and current Myer manager Phillip Murray.

Society members, former and current staff of the store and interested members of the public are welcome to come and to bring along their photos and memorabilia from the store.

There will also be a small display at the meeting of photos from the Western Stores during the 1950s and 60s.

The meeting will take place at Orange Senior Citizens Centre (off Woolworth’s car park) at  6.30 for 7pm. Entry is $4 for members of the society and $6 for non-members. A light supper will be served afterwards.
If you would like to attend, please contact Liz Edwards on 6362 8647, email:, or Phil Stevenson on 0402 412 188, email